Dave and his ParcelHome

“It is just so much easier!” says Dave from Coverswim about his ParcelHomes

Aron and Dave are entrepreneurs and love online shopping. Aron is the owner of his own business, Coverswim a Belgian company that makes terrace and pool enclosers. Dave is DJ (discofeestje.be), but since the coronacrisis he is helping his partner. It is busy at Coverswim. The company produced more than 1000 plexiglass screens for restaurants, doctors and shop owners.

A professional and a personal ParcelHome

The couple receives parcels regularly, but they are also very busy. They do not have time to fetch packages at a pickup point or to drive back to the company after hours to meet a courier. The couple has two ParcelHomes. Thanks to their smart letterboxes, Aron and Dave are now more at ease because they know their parcels will arrive safely 100% of the time. Dave tells us how the ParcelHome increases the quality of their private and professional lives.

The two ParcelHomes from Dave and Aron

ParcelHome × Coverswim

Dave explains that both he and Aron buy a lot online and have items delivered, not only in their private lives but also professionally. When we ask Dave what he likes about the parcelbox, he becomes enthusiastic: “It’s just so much easier.” Keys do not get lost anymore, they don’t need to be afraid anymore that packages get stolen, they have no issues anymore when they go on holiday, etc. Moreover, the smart letterbox also looks professional.

Personal Codes for Employees

Aron manages the ParcelHome but when isn’t around he creates a temporary code for one of his employees. This person can obtain all the parcels for the company. Aron can see at all times in the myParcelHome app who opens the app and who adds or takes a parcel. It’s reassuring that you know everything is traceable, especially when you are not around.

Trustworthy Couriers

Further, Dave adds that they trust their couriers completely. Couriers can deliver in their box at all times, also when there already are parcels in the box. “When at the end of the day three parcels are delivered in your ParcelHome, you are happy!” Dave admits. The couriers in Temse like to use it, he explains. They can deliver 100% of the time and also for them it is easier and faster. Everyone wins!

Thank you, Dave for the fun interview. And thanks to help out Belgian entrepreneurs and doctors with your plexiglass screens. Good luck!